Thursday, December 4, 2008

Strange pattern to these blasts in India

Look at the pattern below followed by terrorists:

13 May -------- JAIPUR
June -------------------
26 July------------ AHMEDABAD
August ---------------------------
13 September------------ DELHI
October -------------------------
26 November--------------- MUMBAI
December ----------------------------
13 January ----------------- Where Next?

Next might be: Lucknow/Kanpur
Then Goa?.

If this happens, it'll complete a pattern?. Symbol of Jews?.Blasts resembling killing jews?.starting from the country which projects itself as global-conglomeration of all religions.


In case you come across any suspicious activity, any suspicious movement
or have any information to tell to the Anti-Terror Squad, please take a
Note of the new ALL INDIA TOLL-FREE Terror Help-line "1090".
Your city's Police or Anti-Terror squad will take action as quickly as
Remember that this single number 1090 is valid all over India This is a
toll free number and can be dialed from mobile phones also.
Moreover, the identity of the caller will be kept a secret.
Let us make each and every citizen of India aware about this facility.
Please forward this mail to as many people as possible, and tell
everyone individually.

After what happened in Mumbai on 26th Nov.. nobody is secure mind it. Let politicians and security forces do their jobs. Be alert at your own risk
The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action.

1 comment:

Rohini said...

Yeah... They also say the number 4 and 8 are associated with destruction,loss,death etc,.
It becomes apparent that the terrorists carry out their plans when the planets and numbers are just in the right position to aid their heinous acts....
But I didn't get the logic behind attacking Jews... The last century has treated them in quite a brutal manner (during the WWII)... Now.. again..!!!??? :(